Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.


About Acupuncture and TCM.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a system of health care whose roots can be traced back thousands of years. The modern day practice of TCM includes Acupuncture, Herbology, Tui Na (Chinese massage) and various forms of therapeutic exercise: Tai Qi, Qi Gong and meditation.

Best known for its treatment of pain through the use of acupuncture, TCM is in fact a complete and comprehensive form of health care. It is used to treat a wide variety of acute and chronic health concerns. In addition, TCM is used to maintain existing good health and to prevent the development of disease conditions.

Of the wide range of treatment modalities in Chinese medicine, North Americans are most familiar with acupuncture. Treatment with Acupuncture is based on the recognition of a system of energetic pathways in the body called meridians. The internal organs contain energy called “qi” (pronounced “chee”) which is the functional energy of all our body processes, be they physical emotional, mental or physical.

By inserting special needles at specific points on the meridians, acupuncture can correct energetic imbalances or blockages, which may be the cause of distress. Chinese herbs have similar, specific therapeutic effects on the meridians and organs, and are usually taken in the form of “teas”, which are brewed from the raw herbs. Used separately or in combinations, the goal of acupuncture and herbology is to address the individual’s condition of all levels, and to restore the person to a state of natural, balanced health.

Acupuncture can treat: aches and pains, arthritis, sciatica, insomnia, digestion problems, allergies, asthma, emotional problems, TMJ, and many other diseases that affect the body.


Conditions that benefit from Traditional Chinese Medicine​.

Addictions Allergies Anorexia Arthritis Asthma Bell’s Palsy Bronchitis Colitis Common Cold Constipation Cystitis Depression Diarrhea Emotion Problems Endrometriosis Fibrocystic Disease Gastritis Headaches Herpes Zoster Incontinence Indigestion Insomnia Menstrual Disorders Neck/Shoulder Pain Sciatica Sinus Problems Stress-Related Problems Tendonitis Trigeminal Neuralgia Ulcers